Examining Students’ Metacognitive Awareness in Japanese Language Learning: A Survey-Based Study

Laksmi Asmarani, Frida Philiyanti


The purpose of this research is to investigate metacognitive awareness among students enrolled in the second semester of Japanese language courses to assess their self-regulated learning performance. Metacognitive awareness plays a crucial role in students' academic success, as it enables them to monitor, evaluate, and regulate their learning processes effectively. By fostering metacognitive awareness, students can develop greater autonomy, become more strategic in their learning approaches, and enhance their overall academic performance. This study is grounded in two key theoretical frameworks: the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) developed by Schraw and Dennison, which provides a comprehensive measure of students' metacognitive knowledge and regulation, and the metacognitive level theory proposed by Perkins and Swartz, which categorizes learners based on their ability to engage in metacognitive thinking. A survey research method was employed, utilizing the MAI questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. The survey was administered to a total of 69 students, and the collected data were analyzed to determine the distribution of metacognitive awareness levels among participants. The results revealed that most students were classified at the strategic use level. This indicates that the majority of students possess the ability to consciously select and apply appropriate learning strategies to solve academic problems effectively. These findings suggest that while students demonstrate a solid foundation in metacognitive awareness, further instructional interventions may be beneficial in helping them advance to higher levels of metacognitive control and self-regulated learning.


Japanese language; Metacognitive Awareness; Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI); Metacognitive Level.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/japanedu.v9i2.61727


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