Structure, Usage, and Meaning of Japanese Conditional Sentences “to”, “tara”, “ba”, and “nara” in Japanese Spoken Language: A Study Case of Dr. Stone Animation
This study aims to analyze the structure, usage, and meaning of Japanese conditional sentences (jouken hyougen) with the patterns of “to”, “tara”, “ba”, “nara” in the Japanese spoken language. By using qualitative methods, this study is collecting conversational data taken from Japanese Animation Dr. Stone. The data in the form of sentences were analyzed based on their structure, usage, and meaning. The results of this study found that Japanese conditional sentences with the patterns of “to”, “tara”, “ba”, and “nara” in Dr. Stone animation have a structure that tends to be attached to verb and noun predicates. In the spoken languages in Japanese Animation Dr. Stone, there were also found that some conditional sentences have different structures and change of predicate structure other than the usual structure mentioned in Japanese textbooks. Further, the conditional sentence “to” in Dr. Stone’s animation tends to be used to express general conditions or knowledge known by speakers, speech partners, and the general public. On the other hand, the conditional sentences “tara”, “ba”, and “nara” in Dr. Stone animation tends to be used to express conditions that may occur or the conditions that are assumed will occur by the speaker. Regarding the meaning of the conditional sentence “to” in Dr. Stone’s animation, “to” has the meaning of naturally occurring phenomena such as chemical reactions and physics, while the conditional sentences “tara”, “ba”, and “nara” in Dr. Stone animation have the meaning of conjecture or assumption, awareness or perception, and suggestion.
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