The Implication of Educandy Learning Media on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Japanese Learning
This research objective was to determine the effect of using Educandy learning media on Japanese students’ learning outcomes in a state vocational high school in Jakarta for academic year 2020/2021. This study applied experimental quantitative research method, with a purposive sample technique of 16 students. This research used one group Pre Test–Post Test design, and the data collected then analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In the preparation of the instrument, several tests consist of validity tests and reliability tests were conducted. The results showed that based on the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test, the data was normally distributed due to the Sig value, and the data from Pre-test and Post-test showed that the students’ learning outcomes were increased after using Educandy. Moreover, the Levene Homogeneity Test results showed that the data is more than the significance level or the data was homogeneous, while based on the normality test and homogeneity test, the results showed that the value in the Pre-test and Post-test learning outcomes were lower than the level of significance. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that there is a significant difference in Pre-test and Post-test student learning outcomes so the Educandy learning media influences student learning outcomes in Japanese subjects.
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Department of Japanese Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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