Kuny Z Mardhiyah, Wahyu Indianti



This study aimed to determine the role of academic self-concept in mediating the relationship between self-regulation learning and commitment to career choice in high school students. This research focuses on the dimensions of vocational exploration and commitment, namely openness to explore career choices before committing to a particular career choice. This research uses quantitative approach with 315 students of high school students of X-XI class. Measurement of commitment to career choice is done by measuring tool Commitment to Career Choices Scale sub scale vocational exploraton and commitment. Measurement of self-regulation in learning using Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire, while the academic self-concept was measured using the Academic Self Concept for Adolescents Scale. The result shows that self regulation in learning affects commitment to career choice through academic self concept. The self-regulated skills in applied learning consistently will shape the positive academic self-concept and impact on the increased commitment to career choice among high school students.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran konsep diri akademik dalam memediasi hubungan antara regulasi diri dalam belajar dan komitmen terhadap pilihan karier pada siswa SMA. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada salah satu dimensi dari komitmen terhadap pilihan karier, yaitu dimensi vocational exploration and commitment (VEC). Penelitian ini meng­gunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan partisipan penelitian berjumlah 315 orang siswa SMA kelas X-XI.  Pengukuran komitmen terhadap pilihan karier dilakukan dengan alat ukur Commitment to Career Choices Scale sub skala vocational exploration and commitment. Pengukuran regulasi diri dalam belajar menggunakan Motivated Strategies and Learning Questionnaire, sedangkan konsep diri akademik diukur dengan menggunakan Academic Self Concept for Adolescents Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regulasi diri dalam belajar memengaruhi komitmen terhadap pilihan karier melalui konsep diri akademik. Keterampilan regulasi diri dalam belajar yang diterapkan dengan konsisten akan membentuk konsep diri akademik yang positif dan berdampak pada meningkatnya komitmen terhadap pilihan karier dimensi vocational exploration and commitment pada siswa SMA.


komitmen terhadap pilihan karier, eksplorasi karier, regulasi diri dalam belajar, konsep diri akademik

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