How Eyes and Brain See Color: Definition of Color, Literature Review with Bibliometric Analysis, and Inquiry Learning Strategy for Teaching Color Changes to Student with Mild Intelligence Barriers
The study aims to investigate how the eyes and brain see color. We added information regarding the definition of color and a literature review regarding current theories and research trends in color, including how light comes to an object and its reflection onto the eyes and brain, making the brain interpret the object. Also, we considered the concept and the implementation of inquiry learning strategies in learning activities to recognize color changes from primary, secondary, to tertiary color. To support our study, we employed bibliometric analysis, helping us to find out the current studies in implementing inquiry learning strategies, specifically in recognizing color and its changes in education. The concept of color changes was delivered to children with mild intellectual disabilities. The results showed that the teaching concept of how eyes and brain see color as well as learning activities to recognize color changes for children with mild intellectual disabilities is still rare. Learning activities can be implemented if the learning process is carried out appropriately, confirmed by the learning outcomes. This study can provide information for researchers and educators in carrying out learning activities to recognize color changes in children with intellectual disabilities through inquiry learning strategies.
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