This research is driven by the challenges of improving the pedagogical competence of dance teachers who teach in inclusive education schools. With the complexity of inclusive education services, research is needed to identify and overcome the obstacles faced by teachers, especially in modifying the curriculum and presenting learning materials that suit the needs of diverse students. The purpose of this study is to analyze and improve teachers' pedagogical competence through Advance Organizers (AO)-based training with blended learning strategies. This research involved six dance teachers from public secondary schools in Bandung City that organize inclusive education. A qualitative approach was used through field studies, interviews and observations, while quantitative data was obtained through tests and questionnaires after the training. The results of a paired t-test between the pretest and post-test showed a significant difference (at the 99% confidence level with a margin of error of 0.21) in the improvement of the trainees' pedagogical competence, where the post-test scores were better than the pretest scores. In addition, the results of the implementation of the training model also had an impact on the social interaction of PDBK. Thus, the AO-based training with a blended learning strategy can be used as an effective alternative to improve the pedagogical competence of dance teachers in the context of inclusive education. Suggestions for future research include involving more schools and expanding the scope of the research to gain a more holistic understanding of the impact of training on inclusive learning.
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