Assessing Recent Land Subsidence in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia through Time Series InSAR from 2015 to 2023
Bandar Lampung is a densely populated city with a rapidly increasing growth rate each year, resulting in a significant demand for water resources that contributes to subsidence. This study utilizes Sentinel-1 data, observed from 2015 to 2023, employing the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) method. The Line of Sight (LOS) data were corrected for atmospheric effects using the Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service (GACOS). During the observation period, Bandar Lampung experienced an average subsidence rate ranging from approximately -2 mm/year to -6.9 mm/year. The InSAR analysis indicated that the most severe subsidence was predominantly concentrated in the eastern part of Bandar Lampung, specifically affecting subdistricts such as Sukabumi, Sukarame, Tanjung Senang, Kedamaian, and Wayhalim. This subsidence is primarily attributed to industrial activities and extensive groundwater extraction, which have contributed to the gradual sinking of the ground surface in these regions. The continuous monitoring of subsidence is crucial for mitigating potential risks, including infrastructure damage and increased flood vulnerability.
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