Strategy on Reducing Coastal Vulnerability at Pekalongan Coastal Area, Central Java
Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) indicates the physical level of a coastal area in encountering hazards occurred in the area, such as erosion, land subsidence, and inundation flood. Pekalongan lies directly facing the Java Sea and has been experiencing coastal hazards that triggered by human activities, like land use change, or natural events, like sea level rise. Moreover, the areas are massively developed regarding socio-economic activities. This study aims to measure the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) level in Pekalongan and to identify strategic planning to reduce the coastal vulnerability level. The parameter scope of CVI measured in this study include geomorphology, shoreline change rate, coastal slope, tidal range average, sea level rise, and significant wave height, by weighted and scoring method. The result shows that the vulnerability index on the north coast of Pekalongan is classified as very high. Spatially distribution, the most index valued are located in Tirto and North Pekalongan. The index value is dominantly influenced by the characteristic of its material formed of sedimentation material transported through Loji and Banger Rivers. Pekalongan had been implementing mangrove planting dan installed concrete infrastructure, such as seawalls and jetties to reduce the impact of the coastal hazards. However, advanced actions are important to strengthen the efforts towards coastal sustainability, including the participation of all parties. This study could be an initial assessment of sustainable coastal management by presenting the existing coastal condition through physical parameters.
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