Pengaruh Arus Kas, Pertumbuhan Penjualan dan Inflasi Terhadap Financial Distress

Tio Santa Amelia, Yayat Supriyatna, Heraeni Tanuatmodjo


This study aims to determine how the influence of cash flow, sales growth and inflation on financial distress. The sample used in this research is property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2019-2021 period. In this study, the method used was purposive sampling where there were 165 observational data from 55 companies during the 2019-2021 period that met the criteria as a sample. The data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. The results show that inflation has a significant positive effect on financial distress, while operating cash flow and sales growth have no significant effect on financial distress. In other words, high inflation rates can increase conditions of financial distress.


financial distress; inflation; operating cash flow; property & real estate; sales growth

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