Los Angels Riots 92: Kerusuhan Rasial Terbesar dalam Sejarah Amerika Serikat Modern
This research is motivated by the researcher's interest in the problem of racism and conflict due to racial sentiment that often occurs in the United States. This is also the cause of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The researcher analyzes and describes the background and impact of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. This research is examined through the use of historical methods consisting of several research steps, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The riots that occurred in Los Angeles in 1992 were motivated by various long historical factors regarding racial, social, economic, and political discrimination. The 1992 Los Angeles riots were one of the largest riots in the history of the United States that had an impact on social, political, and economic life. Starting from the less harmonious relationship between African-Americans and law enforcement and the Los Angeles police and the sentiment towards immigrants from Korea which ultimately led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots which were marked by looting and burning of property and businesses owned by Korean-Americans. Dozens of people died and thousands of people were arrested during the riots.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti terhadap masalah rasisme dan konflik akibat sentimen rasial yang kerap terjadi di negara Amerika Serikat. Hal itu juga yang menjadi penyebab kerusuhan Los Angeles 1992. Peneliti menganalisis serta mendeskripsikan bagaimana latar belakang hingga dampak dari kerusuhan Los Angeles 1992. Penelitian ini dikaji melalui penggunaan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari beberapa langkah penelitian yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, kemudian historiografi. Kerusuhan yang terjadi di Los Angeles 1992 dilatarbelakangi berbagai faktor historis yang panjang mengenai diskriminasi rasial, sosial, ekonomi, dan politik. Kerusuhan Los Angeles 1992 sebagai salah satu kerusuhan yang terbesar dalam sejarah Amerika Serikat yang berdampak pada kehidupan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Berawal dari adanya hubungan kurang harmonis Afrika-Amerika terhadap penegakan hukum dan aparat kepolisian Los Angeles dan adanya sentimen terhadap imigran dari Korea yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan terjadinya kerusuhan Los Angeles 1992 yang diwarnai oleh penjarahan serta pembakaran terhadap properti dan bisnis milik orang Korea-Amerika. Tewas nya puluhan masyarakat serta ditangkapnya ribuan orang selama kerusuhan.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/factum.v13i2.62895
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