The order of social life began to change since the Covid-19 pandemic, the government implemented a social restriction policy to suppress the spread of The Covid-19 disease. The policy has an impact on closing various places that allow crowds such as museums. Museum that should be able to provide information and education services which are the function of museums are unable to provide services optimally. To overcome this, several museums then implement service innovations so that the function of the museum can still be carried out. This research was conducted to discuss the condition of the museum and the innovation of museum services that were implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with literature review techniques that refers to articles, survey results of institutions, museum websites, and museum social media. The results of the study show that the pandemic has had a significant impact on museums in the world and in Indonesia, some museums are threatened with permanent closure but some have succeeded in implementing service innovations. Service innovations that are implemented utilize digital technology so that it is easier for managers to provide services and the public will find it easier to access museums. Museum service innovations that have been implemented in Indonesia include: museum applications, webinars, virtual reality, virtual tours, augmented reality, podcasts, video mapping, museum social media, museum websites. The innovation of museum services makes the museum still able to serve the information and education needs of the wider community. The public can easily access the museum anytime and anywhere, but stll can support the goverment to implementation social distancing.
Tatanan kehidupan sosial mulai berubah semenjak terjadinya pandemi Covid-19, kebijakan pembatasan sosial diterapkan pemerintah untuk menekan angka persebaran penyakit Covid-19. Kebijakan tersebut berdampak pada penutupan berbagai tempat yang memungkinkan terjadinya kerumunan seperti museum. Museum yang seharusnya dapat melakukan pelayanan informasi dan edukasi yang merupakan fungsi museum menjadi tidak dapat melakukan pelayanan dengan optimal. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, beberapa museum kemudian menerapkan inovasi layanan sehingga fungsi museum tetap dapat dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membahas mengenai kondisi museum serta inovasi layanan museum yang diterapkan saat pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik studi literatur yang mengacu pada artikel, hasil survei lembaga, website museum, serta media sosial museum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pandemi berdampak signifikan terhadap museum di dunia dan di Indonesia, sebagian museum terancam tutup permanen namun sebagian lagi berhasil menerapkan inovasi layanan. Inovasi layanan yang diterapkan memanfaatkan teknologi digital sehingga pengelola lebih mudah melakukan pelayanan dan masyarakat semakin mudah mengakses museum. Inovasi layanan museum yang telah diterapkan di Indonesia berupa : aplikasi museum, webinar, virtual reality, virtual tour, augmented reality, podcast, video mapping, media sosial museum, website museum. Inovasi layanan museum menjadikan museum tetap dapat melayani kebutuhan informasi dan edukasi bagi masyarakat luas. Masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengakses museum kapanpun dan dimanapun, namun tetap dapat mendukung upaya pemerintah dengan menerapkan pembatasan kegiatan sosial diluar rumah.
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