Abstract, crisis communication is a situation that may cause effects on the company's sustainability business operations; the treatment at every stage of the crisis will minimize the negative public reaction against the company. This paper reviews the crisis of BP Oil Company that had a leak in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted in the spill along the coast a few U.S. states that threaten ecosystems and marine life, tourism businesses and the livelihoods of fishermen population around the spill from the perspective of public relations. Communication crisis began when BP made a number of controversial statements to the public through the mass media which resulted negatives responses from the Government of the United States, communities around the spill, a shareholder in the stock, and environmental activists. BP responsed this negative public reaction is generated through a crisis communication in the form of lobbying to the Government of the United States and key stakeholders as well as the handling of campaign messages through social media networking and mass media.
Keywords: Communication Disaster, Public Relations, Communication Crisis
Abstrak, krisis komunikasi merupakan sebuah situasi yang dapat menimbulkan efekberkelanjutan operasional bisnis perusahaan pada masa yang akan datang, perlakuan dalam
tiap tahapan krisis akan membantu meminimalisir reaksi negatif publik terhadapperusahaan. Tulisan ini memaparkan tinjauan krisis dari perspektif public relations terhadapperusahaan minyak BP yang mengalami kebocoran di Teluk Meksiko yang mengakibatkantumpahan di sepanjang pesisir pantai beberapa negara bagian Amerika Serikat yangmengancam ekosistem dan biota laut, bisnis pariwisata, dan mata pencaharian nelayan
penduduk sekitar tumpahan. Krisis komunikasi BP dimulai ketika sejumlah pernyataankontroversial disampaikan kepada publik melalui sejumlah media massa yangmengakibatkan reaksi negatif dari Pemerintah Amerika Serikat, komunitas sekitartumpahan, pemegang saham di bursa, dan aktivis lingkungan. Respon BP terhadap reaksinegatif publik tersebut dimunculkan melalui komunikasi krisis dalam bentuk upaya lobi
kepada Pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan pemegang saham kunci serta kampanye pesanpenanganan melalui jejaring media sosial dan media massa.
Kata Kunci : Bencana Komunikasi, Public Relations, Komunikasi Krisis
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/edutech.v13i1.3224
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