The Role of Scientific Consultant Librarians in Supporting Academic Research Case Study: Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta
Many university libraries have provided various facilities that support the information needs of the academic community. However, quite a few students still experience difficulties in finding the sources of information they need and sometimes even have no other alternative to get the appropriate information. In order to meet the demands of the information and research needs of the academic community, especially in the era of society 5.0, the University Library of Muhammadiyah University (UMY) provides scientific consultation services which have now developed into the AskMYLibrarian service. The purpose of this writing is to explain the role of consultant librarians at the UMY Library through the AskMYLibrarian service at the UMY Library. This research uses mixed methods. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews. The research began by distributing questionnaires to 35 respondents consisting of 7 lecturers and 28 students who had used the AskMYLibrarian consultation service, both offline and online. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that 77.1% of respondents strongly agreed that scientific consultation services were important to support academic community research. The consultation service menu provided includes consultation services related to searching for information sources, using a references manager, writing and paraphrasing techniques, guidance on submitting Sinta and Scopus indexed journals, simple data processing (SPSS, PLS, NVivo), and Vosviewer.
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