Abstrak. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini ialah untuk menemukan bukti empirik mengenai penilaian siswa tentang kualitas buku teks pelajaran di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. Secara khusus penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis penilaian siswa pada aspek (1) Materi; (2) penyajian materi; dan (3) kebahasaan buku teks pelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran angket. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 66 siswa. Pengolahan data menggunakan bantuan IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Data disajikan dengan menggunakan rating scale. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa: 1) penilaian siswa tentang kualitas buku teks pelajaran berada pada kategori baik; 2) penilaian siswa pada aspek materi buku teks pelajaran berada pada kategori baik; 3) penilaian siswa pada aspek penyajian materi buku teks pelajaran berada pada kategori baik; 4) penilaian siswa pada aspek kebahasaan buku teks pelajaran berada pada kategori cukup baik. Guru Mata Pelajaran dan pengelola perpustakaan sekolah harus mampu bekerjasama dalam mengembangkan kualitas buku teks pelajaran yang ada di
perpustakaan sekolah agar dapat digunakan oleh siswa secara maksimal.
Kata Kunci: Buku teks pelajaran, kualitas, perpustakaan
Abstract. The objective of this research is to find empirical proof concerning the relationship between students assessment about text books quality with student motivation for learning. Particularly, the objective of this research are: Describing and analyzing students assessment on (1) Material; (2) Present material; (3) Language aspect of text books. The research method used is a descriptive research method and data collection technique by using spreading questionnaire. The sample covers 66 students. Data Processing used IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The data is processed by providing rating scale. Based on the result, we concluded that : 1) Students assessment about text books quality with good category; 2) Students assessment on material aspect of text books with good category; 3) Students assessment on present the material aspect of text books with good category; 4) Students assessment on language aspect of text books with student motivation for learning with enough category. The teachers and school librarians should have good collaboration for developing the quality of text books at school library so that student can use it maximally.
Keywords: Textbook, quality, library
perpustakaan sekolah agar dapat digunakan oleh siswa secara maksimal.
Kata Kunci: Buku teks pelajaran, kualitas, perpustakaan
Abstract. The objective of this research is to find empirical proof concerning the relationship between students assessment about text books quality with student motivation for learning. Particularly, the objective of this research are: Describing and analyzing students assessment on (1) Material; (2) Present material; (3) Language aspect of text books. The research method used is a descriptive research method and data collection technique by using spreading questionnaire. The sample covers 66 students. Data Processing used IBM SPSS Statistics 22. The data is processed by providing rating scale. Based on the result, we concluded that : 1) Students assessment about text books quality with good category; 2) Students assessment on material aspect of text books with good category; 3) Students assessment on present the material aspect of text books with good category; 4) Students assessment on language aspect of text books with student motivation for learning with enough category. The teachers and school librarians should have good collaboration for developing the quality of text books at school library so that student can use it maximally.
Keywords: Textbook, quality, library
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v5i1.2307
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/edulib.v5i1.2307.g1601
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