Community empowerment in making ecobricks to overcome the problem of plastic waste

Rofiqotul Ngafiyah, Annisa Fajar Rahmawati, Dita Noviyanti, Teni Okty Handayani, Agus Fatkhurrohman, Nurul Ariffudin, Isna Putri Utami, Miftah Parasasmi, Fera Indriansyah, Raeza Pradeka Rahmawati, Moh Salimi


Ecobricks is an innovation that produces a product made from plastic bottles filled with compacted plastic waste, which has not yet been attempted to be created on a large scale. The target of this activity is all PKK women in Adikarso Village. The implementation method carried out by socialization or counseling begins with a survey of the plastic waste problem. There is a need to utilize plastic waste in a product with use value. This training aims to increase residents' understanding of the use of plastic waste in ecobrick products. This activity began with outreach, collecting plastic waste, and preparing tools and materials, followed by training activities with direct practice in making ecobricks. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation and questionnaires. The results of this training include ecobrick products and increasing residents' understanding of the use of plastic waste. First, plastic waste is used to make ecobrick products, namely garden chairs. Second, residents' understanding is related to knowledge about plastic waste and ecobrick products. Based on these results, community empowerment impacts residents' knowledge regarding the use of plastic waste in ecobrick products that have use value and can generate income for the residents of Adikarso Village.


community empowerment; ecobricks; plastic waste;. training


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Copyright (c) 2024 Rofiqotul Ngafiyah, Annisa Fajar Rahmawati, Dita Noviyanti, Teni Okty Handayani, Agus Fatkhurrohman, Nurul Ariffudin, Isna Putri Utami, Miftah Parasasmi, Fera Indriansyah, Raeza Pradeka Rahmawati, Moh Salimi

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