An Analysis of Business Strategy of A B2B Small Medium Enterprises in Tasikmalaya

Inka Handiri, Mira Nurfitriya, Nizza Nadya Rachmani


Business competition in the textile and clothing industry is getting tighter. Many competitors cause companies in that field to experience a decrease in sales. This study intends to formulate a business strategy using the SWOT analysis tool so that companies know what must be maintained and improved in increasing sales to excel in business competition. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The findings from the study used the QSPM matrix analysis. There are 3 priorities for the formulation of a new strategy, namely a field research strategy, a strategy for evaluating and analysing market trends, and increasing digital marketing. The implications obtained by the company are increasing market demand, developing markets, and being able to compete with competitors.


SWOT Analysis, Business Strategy; QSPM; Market Trends Analysis; Market Development

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