Utilizing Complementary Cards with Formulate Share Listen Create Media to Enhance Arabic Text Understanding

Zulli Umri Siregar, Nurkhamimi Zainuddin, Ade Arip Ardiansyah, Nursakinah Ruhani


This study evaluates students' proficiency in understanding Arabic texts before and after implementing the Formulate Share Listen Create (FSLC) learning model with complementary card media. It employs a Pretest-Posttest Control Design, a quasi-experimental approach, to assess improvements in students' comprehension of Arabic texts. The population of this study comprises 36 students each from class 10 Science A and B at SMA Muhammadiyah 4 in Bandung, totaling 72 students. Class 10 Science A was the control group, while Class 10 Science B was the experimental group. The research was conducted between January 31, 2024, and February 7, 2024. The findings show that the FSLC learning model with complementary card media significantly increased learning outcomes compared to other learning models and media. The experimental class had an average pre-test score of 45.55 and a post-test score of 82.36, while the control class had an average pre-test score of 44.44 and a post-test score of 78.47. The N-gain score was 62% for the control and 68% for the experimental classes. Therefore, the FSLC model with cards significantly improves student comprehension. The implications of this research suggest that the FSLC model with card media can be adapted for other subjects to enhance student learning outcomes. Further studies are recommended to explore its application in broader contexts or different educational levels and examine its long-term effectiveness.


Arabic language; Arabic texts; Complementary cards; FSLC; Language learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/alsuniyat.v7i2.73110


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