Arabic Politeness Strategy of Directive Speech in the Movie "Barnamij Umar wa Ikhwatuhu": Geoffrey Leech's Perspective

Nushrotun Nida, Rahmat Mulya Nugraha, Nurohman Nurohman, Ridwan Fauzi


Politeness in directive speech acts is something that speakers rarely do. This study aims to determine the language politeness strategy on directive speech acts in the cartoon film Barnamij Umar wa Ikhwatuhu based on Geoffrey Leech's perspective. The researcher used a qualitative method with a document study research type. The researcher found a pattern of language politeness strategies in directive speech acts as follows: (1) the speech act of requesting (request sentence + permission sentence/ command sentence); (2) the speech act of begging (request sentence + wish sentence); (3) the speech act of asking (apology sentence + permission sentence + question sentence); (4) the speech act of commanding (command sentence means solution); (5) the speech act of advising (suggestion sentence+ prohibition sentence+ reason); (6) the speech act of forbidding (greeting sentence+ prohibition sentence+ reason); (7) the speech act of allowing and recommending will sound polite by implementing the approval strategy.


Directive speech acts; Geoffrey Leech; Language politeness

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