Arabic speaking Skill using the educaplay "froggy jumps" Application

Miatin Rachmawati, Fitri Liza


This research was conducted to apply the Educaplay application to assess Arabic speaking skills. A qualitative descriptive case study methodology is used in this study. Methods for gathering data include surveys, documentation, interviews, and observation. This media review uses the currently available data in three steps. Students must download the Educaplay application by logging in at as the initial step. Determining the competencies that pupils possess is the second step. The findings of the Arabic speaking skills exam, which is the third step, indicate that Educaplay can help students learn to study attentively to improve their listening comprehension—excellent proficiency in Arabic. Survey data stated that 72.1% of the reviews using Educaplay were delighted, while 20.4% said that reviews using the Educaplay application had to prepare a large quota. However, 7.5% are less skilled due to a lack of understanding of Arabic vocabulary.


Arabic speaking skills; Educaplay; Froggy jumps; Language learning media

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