Arabic Learning Implementation of PjBL-Based E-Learning in the Islamic Education Study Program of the State University of Jakarta

Mohammad Sarip, Khambali Khambali, Anwar Sanusi


The Project Based Learning (PjBL) model can move learning activities that not only stop at the level of understanding and implementation but also at the levels of analysis, evaluation and creation. The study aims to reveal the PjBL model as an offer of the Arabic learning model in Indonesia; most still use the classical learning model, resulting in incomplete Arabic language learning outcomes. The presence of e-learning technology has made the PjBL model even better. This research uses qualitative research with phenomenological methods in the Islamic Religion education program of the University of Jakarta State. The results revealed that implementations of PjBL-Blended should be prepared with maturity, such as lesson plans, textbooks and media that can facilitate learning inside and outside the classroom, leading to self-learning and group learning, thus giving them an overview of comprehensive thinking from the understanding level to the creation level.


Arabic learning; E-learning; Learning outcome; PjBL

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