Purpose – The research aims to investigate the application of the Pecha Kucha technique within the course ‘Techniques of Discussion and Presentation’. Pecha Kucha, a presentation method in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each, requires a concise and focussed presentation of content. This technique not only promotes efficiency in the transfer of information, but also rhetorical skills and the creative design of presentations.The research focuses on the question of the extent to which the Pecha Kucha method influences the presentation behaviour of students and what effects it has on their discussion skills. The aim is to investigate whether this technique leads to an improvement in the clarity, structure and persuasiveness of presentations and whether it strengthens students' ability to get to the point and express themselves precisely.
Methodology - The methodology involves a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. On the one hand, the students' presentations before and after the introduction of the Pecha Kucha technique are analysed in order to identify possible changes in quality and structure. On the other hand, surveys and interviews will be conducted to record the subjective experiences of the participants.
Findings - The research also helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pecha Kucha technique in a didactic context and provides valuable insights for the design of courses aimed at improving discussion and presentation techniques. It contributes to the further development of innovative teaching methods in university didactics.
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