This study is based on the phenomenon of Students who recite a few words in German by equating some elements of pronunciation in Sundanese. This causes the results in interference with pronunciation of German Words. The interference form in this study is the interference in phonetic level. This study aims to describe the following: 1) the mispronunciation of words by students, 2) the mispronunciation caused by the interference of Sundanese, and 3) the form of pronunciation error caused by the interference of Sundanese. This study used descriptive analysis method, and the instrument that used in this study were questionnaire and simple sentences taken from teaching materials Studio d A1, A2, B1 and Aspekte Mittelstufe B1. The data collection technique used in this study consisted of record technique and note. The results showed that students made a mistake in reciting the following phonemes: /f/, /v/, /pf/, /ʃ/, /ʏ/, /œ/, /a/, /'v/, /o:/, /ɐ/ /z/, /y/. Sundanese speakers tend to transfer the Sundanese sound system into German in reciting the phoneme as in the phoneme composed of the following phonemes which are the Sundanese phonemes from other foreign language: /f/, /v/, /ʃ/, and /’v/. Consonant sound changes were found to be more numerous than other forms of interference. From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that many students make mistakes pronunciation of the German language as a form of Sundanese phonetic interference.
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