This research examines speech acts, especially illocutionary acts contained in the romance Land in Sicht by Ilona Hartmann through a pragmatic approach. Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of speech that is bound by context. This illocutionary act is studied based on the type, function, and form by using Searle and Leech's theory. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the types, functions, and forms of illocutionary acts used by speakers to speech partners in the speech that has been delivered. This research focuses on the actions taken by a speaker when delivering an utterance to a speech partner, so that the speech partner needs to understand the meaning of the utterance that has been delivered with the help of the context that surrounds it. This research is designed by using qualitative research method with descriptive analysis. The results prove that there are four types of illocutionary acts found in this romance, namely assertive, directive, commissive, and expressive illocutionary acts. The most common type found is the type of assertive illocutionary acts. Based on the analysis, there are three functions of illocutionary acts found, namely competitive, pleasant, and cooperative functions. The majority of the data is included in the fun function. Then the forms of illocutionary acts found in this romance are direct and indirect illocutionary acts with the majority of the utterances falling into the form of direct illocutionary acts.
Keywords: Pragmatics, Romance, Illocutionary ActsFull Text:
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