Novia Anjani Dewi, Widia Oktapiani


There are few learning theories that able to survives the challenge of time. This study explores one of the prominent learning theories that have existed since the 80s, which is the Sociocultural theory. This study explains various aspects of sociocultural theory, particularly its basic principles, its development throughout the years, notable key scholars, and its implications toward modern pedagogy. Proposed by L.S Vygotsky and further developed by many experts such as; Wertsch, Rogoff, and Cole, the sociocultural theory is always improved to fit the current educational needs. Many studies explore its applicability in modern pedagogy and its benefits towards learning. This study concludes that sociocultural theory is a promising learning theory with various implications and benefits on today’s pedagogy. Integrating sociocultural theory in modern teaching and learning processes proved to be beneficial for the students and the teachers as it provides much more versatility for the teaching and learning activity.

Keywords: sociocultural, learning theory, modern pedagogy

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