Kurikulum Kelas Ibu Pintar Antisipasi Stunting (KIPAS) bagi Orang Tua Murid PAUD/PIAUD di Indonesia

Srie Mulyati, Rifqy Muhammad Hamzah


Stunting is a major health issue affecting the physical growth and cognitive development of children in many developing countries, including Indonesia. “Program Kelas Ibu Pintar Antisipasi Stunting” The Smart Mothers' Class for Stunting Prevention (KIPAS) program is designed to empower parents of early childhood education students (PAUD/PIAUD) in preventing stunting through education on nutrition, health, and proper parenting practices. This article presents the development of the KIPAS curriculum based on a comprehensive literature review. The study identifies the urgent need for nutrition education for parents, the effectiveness of educational interventions in reducing stunting prevalence, and the importance of evidence-based curriculum development. The research methodology involves literature search, thematic analysis, and information synthesis to design a comprehensive curriculum framework. The KIPAS curriculum comprises learning modules that cover an introduction to stunting, child nutrition and health, parenting practices, and community involvement. The curriculum is implemented through face-to-face and online sessions, with pre-test and post-test evaluations to measure the improvement in parents' knowledge and behavioral changes. The findings indicate that the KIPAS curriculum is effective in enhancing parents' knowledge and nutritional practices, positively impacting the nutritional status and health of their children. With evidence-based nutrition education and an interactive approach, the KIPAS curriculum is expected to contribute significantly to national efforts in reducing the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia.

Stunting adalah masalah kesehatan utama yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan kognitif anak-anak di banyak negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Program Kelas Ibu Pintar Antisipasi Stunting (KIPAS) dirancang untuk memberdayakan orang tua murid PAUD/PIAUD dalam mencegah stunting melalui pendidikan gizi, kesehatan, dan pola asuh yang tepat. Artikel ini menyajikan pengembangan kurikulum KIPAS berdasarkan kajian literatur komprehensif. Studi ini mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mendesak akan pendidikan gizi bagi orang tua, efektivitas intervensi pendidikan dalam mengurangi prevalensi stunting, dan pentingnya pengembangan kurikulum berbasis bukti. Metode penelitian melibatkan pencarian literatur, analisis tematik, dan sintesis informasi untuk merancang kerangka kurikulum yang komprehensif. Kurikulum KIPAS terdiri dari modul-modul pembelajaran yang mencakup pengenalan tentang stunting, gizi dan kesehatan anak, praktik pola asuh, serta keterlibatan komunitas. Implementasi kurikulum ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan tatap muka dan daring dengan evaluasi pre-test dan post-test untuk mengukur peningkatan pengetahuan dan perubahan perilaku orang tua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum KIPAS efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktik gizi orang tua, yang berdampak positif pada status gizi dan kesehatan anak-anak. Dengan pendidikan gizi berbasis bukti dan pendekatan interaktif, kurikulum KIPAS diharapkan dapat berkontribusi signifikan dalam upaya nasional untuk mengurangi prevalensi stunting di Indonesia.


Curriculum, Stunting, Nutrition Education, Curriculum Development, Parents, Early Childhood Education (PAUD/PIAUD)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpa.v7i2.72557


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