Implementation of STEM-ESD learning in improving critical thinking skills in renewable energy material

Muhammad Hafizh Muliakoswara, Ida Kaniawati, Irma Rahma Suwarma


Critical thinking skills are needed for future leaders and citizens to create a path for a better and sustainable future. This is in line with the Pancasila Student Profile in Kurikulum Merdeka which expects students to have the skills to think critically. Critical thinking skills be trained through learning activities, one of which is by applying STEM-ESD learning. STEM-ESD learning directs students to find solutions to problems related to sustainability issues. This study aims to analyze the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills through the application of STEM-ESD on renewable energy materials. This study uses quantitative methods with one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample of this study amounted to 30 students of one high school in Bandung. The instrument used was critical thinking skills test. The application of STEM-ESD learning results in an increase in each indicator of critical thinking skills. Providing elementary clarification increased by 0.46 in the moderate category; building basic support increased by 0.66 in the moderate category; inference increased by 0.04 in the low category; making advance clarification increased by 0.49 in the moderate category; strategies and tactics increased by 0.60 in the moderate category. Overall, critical thinking skills increased by 0.45 in the moderate category.


STEM-ESD; Critical Thinking Skills; Renewable Energy

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