Comparative study of problem solving skill development features in Japanese and Indonesian high school physics textbooks
Despite both Japan and Indonesia incorporating critical thinking skill development into their educational curricula, Japanese students exhibit higher problem-solving abilities. To investigate the role of physics textbooks in nurturing problem-solving skills, a comparative and content analysis method was employed, focusing on two textbooks: The Basic Physics High School Textbook for Science by Sukenshuppan (JP-SKN) and Fisika 1 untuk Jurusan IPA by Tiga Serangkai (ID-TS). Foshay's teaching principles for problem-solving skills served as the analytical framework, consisting of 12 key points to identify problem-solving teaching features within the textbooks. Explicitly stated sub-chapters and consistently recurring implicit elements within each chapter were recognized as book features. The analysis revealed that JP-SKN encompasses a greater variety of problem-solving skill development features compared to ID-TS. While the quality of these features may differ, JP-SKN contains 16 book features aligned with problem-solving teaching principles, surpassing the 12 found in ID-TS. JP-SKN employs diverse approaches to foster problem-solving skills, including case studies, graphs, tables, illustrations, and interactive digital content. Its "Thinking Learning" feature (思考学習) encapsulates numerous problem-solving principles, providing instructions, structured problems, and encouraging the formulation of mental models for problem resolution. Conversely, ID-TS incorporates additional elements beyond problem-solving, such as promoting teamwork, scientific attitude, and offering numerous practice questions. These findings offer valuable insights and references for the development of learning resources that aim to promote critical thinking skills within Indonesia's new curriculum. Furthermore, they serve as a starting point for future research to explore how both countries interpret their respective curriculum mandates when designing representative textbooks, particularly concerning high school Physics subjects.
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