Development of physics learning materials on temperature and heat topics using problem-based learning models to improve students' conceptual understanding

Didit Aditya Ningsih, Riki Perdana


The use of appropriate learning tools, one of which is in the form of lesson plans, worksheets, and assessment instruments using the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model, is considered to be able to improve students' understanding of concepts. This is due to the low understanding of students' concepts in physics learning on Temperature and Heat material which is caused by the inaccuracy of the selection of learning tools and models used in classroom learning. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of physics learning devices on Temperature and Heat material by using the Problem-Based Learning model to improve students' understanding of concepts. The research design uses the 4D research and development model which consists of four stages, namely defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. Due to time constraints in conducting research, this research was only carried out until the development stage. This study used instruments in the form of three validation sheets which included validation sheets of RPP, LKPD, and assessment instruments given to four validators. The validators chosen to assess the learning tools that have been developed include one expert validator (Physics Education Lecturer) and three peer validators (Physics Education undergraduate students). Data analysis used in this study is validation analysis using a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that the physics learning device on the subject of Temperature and Heat uses the Problem-Based Learning model to increase students' understanding of the concepts that have been developed which are stated to be very feasible to use. The average value obtained in the lesson plan validity test was 87.23%, the LKPD validity test was 84.17%, and the assessment instrument validity test was 81.11%.


Understanding Concepts;Learning Tools;Problem Based Learning (PBL);Temperature and Heat

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