Tinjauan berbasis gender: Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik dalam mitigasi bencana banjir
This study aims to analyze the effect of gender differences on students' scientific literacy abilities towards the flood disaster mitigation process through four components of the science process including the science process component, the physics concept component, the impact component, and the response attitude component. The method used is descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach with a sample of 60 students majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences consisting of 30 male students and 30 female students. The results showed that there was a gender influence on students' scientific literacy skills. Female students have a higher value of science skills with an overall average score of 60.6 and fall into the moderate category. Whereas for male students, the average overall score of scientific literacy skills was 40.4 and included in the low category.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/wapfi.v9i1.53782
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