Metacognitive writing task strategy to improve concept mastery and communication skills of junior high school students in the topic of light and optical instruments

Irma Fitrianingsih, Parlindungan Sinaga, Efendi Ridwan


The purpose of this study was to improve students’ concept mastery and communication skills by implementing metacognitive writing task strategies and analyzing the correlation between students concept mastery and communication skills. The research method used is a quantitative quasi-experimental design method with a non-equivalent control group design research design. The results showed that students in the experimental class experienced an increase in mastery of concepts in the moderate category, namely <g>=0.542. Meanwhile, students in the control class experienced an increase in mastery of concepts in the low category, namely <g>=0.272. Students' communication skills have increased even though in the low category, namely <g>=0.261. There is a significant relationship between mastery of concepts and communication skills, the strength of the relationship between the variables of mastery of concepts and communication skills is 0.758 which falls into the category of strongly correlated.The conclusion obtained through this study is that writing task metacognitive strategies in learning is proven to improve students' mastery of concepts and communication skills.


Writing Task Metacognitive;Concept Mastery;Communication Skills;Light and Optical Instruments

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