Pengembangan buku saku fisika dengan fitur QR Code untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep optika geometri
One of the learning media by utilizing the collaboration between books and technology is realized in the form of a pocket book with a QR Code feature in which various kinds of content are available, such as illustrated images, educational videos, and online simulations. This research has the aim of developing a product in the form of a Physics pocket book with a QR Code feature on the subject of optical instruments as a book to support students in understanding the concept of geometric optics. The research and development method uses the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, this research is limited only to the design stage. The product feasibility test is carried out by 10 people who have studied optical physics and are currently studying physics. The results obtained in the pocket book feasibility test show that the average value of all indicator items in the presentation aspect, content aspect and language aspect has a value above 3.4. Based on the analysis results obtained, the physics pocket book product with the QR Code feature on the subject of optical instruments to improve understanding of concepts is included in the very feasible category. It is recommended that further research is needed to develop a physics pocket book with a QR code feature to improve understanding of concepts on the topic of optical instruments.
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