Profil konsistensi representasi dan konsistensi ilmiah fisika pada topik usaha dan energi siswa SMA negeri pada pembelajaran jarak jauh di kabupaten Bandung
Information about the profile of representational consistency and scientific consistency is important to know because they are related to understanding the concept and the student’s ability to use multiple representations, while information about these two abilities is unknown for State Senior High School students in Bandung Regency. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the representational and scientific consistent of post-distance learning senior high school students in the Bandung Regency. The research method used is a survey method with a test for the students after implementation of the learning process on the learning material of work and energy. The sampling technique was cluster random sampling. Data were collected in three schools, which each represent the upper cluster, middle cluster, and lower cluster. The instrument used consisted of eight themes which in each theme there are three questions isomorphic (same context and content) with different representations referring to the Representational Variant of Force Concept Inventory (R-FCI). The sample size is determined based on the Isaac and Michael formula it is obtained that from 450 samples of the research, it found that 17,33% of students are consistent for representational consistency category, 38,45% are moderately consistent, and 44,22% are inconsistent. As for the scientific consistency, it found that 12,44% % of students are consistent, 28,45% are moderately consistent, and 59,11% are inconsistent. These results indicate that students had conceptual difficulties especiallyon the concept of kinetic energy. Based on these, it is necessary to focus on learning to understand concepts through a multi-representation approach so as to support the ability representational and scientific consistent.
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