Pengembangan Alat Praktikum Digital Gerak Jatuh Bebas Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Fisika
Make physics learning with abstract concepts into concrete, technology is needed. The development of technology in the 21st century is growing very rapidly. The development of modern technology that is practical with the existence of practical tools that encourage students' interest in practicing free fall motion. The development of practicum tools which are composed of mathematical equations of free fall motion makes it easier for students to do practicum. With this free fall motion digital practicum tool, students can observe and do practicum on the object being studied. The practicum tool displays the results of the experiment automatically and the gravitational acceleration data is processed digitally. Digital processing after pressing the "Start" button on the free fall motion lab tool using the Delphi XE application. The results of practicum data processing determine the value of gravitational acceleration at the practicum. The variations used are variations in the mass of the test object and variations in the height of the object. The results of the value of gravitational acceleration at the practicum obtained in accordance with the theory is 9.8ms-2.
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