Penerapan Model Virtual Conceptual Change Laboratory (VCCLAB) Untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Pada Materi Tekanan Hidrostatik

Yunina Surtiana, Andi Suhandi, KL Putri, Wawan Setiawan, Parsaoran Siahaan, Achmad Samsudin


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang penerapan model Virtual Conceptual Change Laboratory (VCCLab) dalam memfasilitasi terjadinya perubahan konsepsi pada pengajaran remedial terkait konsep tekanan hidrostatik. Model VCCLab ini bisa juga dijadikan solusi untuk mengatasi kendala praktikum di era pandemi ini. Keadaan konsepsi peserta didik SMA sebelum dan setelah penerapan model VCCLab didiagnosis dengan menggunakan tes konsepsi format four-tier test. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pre-experiment dengan desain one group pretest-posttest. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 36 siswa kelas XI MIPA SMA Negeri 2 Lembang, dimana subjek penelitian merupakan peserta didik yang telah mendapatkan pembelajaran dan yang masih mengalami miskonsepsinya sebanyak 32 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah peserta didik yang mengalami perubahan konsepsi setelah mengikuti tahapan-tahapan model VCCLab adalah 90% (29 orang) yang mengalami remediasi miskonsepsi dan 10% (3 orang) lainnya masih mengalami miskonsepsi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut penerapan model VCCLab mampu meremediasi miskonsepsi peserta didik terkait konsep tekanan hidrostatik.


Kata kunci : Kegiatan laboratorium, Miskonsepsi, Model VCCLab, Pembelajaran remedial






This study aims to obtain an overview of the application of the Virtual Conceptual Change Laboratory (VCCLab) model in facilitating a change in conception in remedial teaching related to the concept of hydrostatic pressure. This VCCLab model can also be used as a solution to overcome practical problems in this pandemic era. High school students' conception conditions before and after the application of the VCCLab model were diagnosed using a four-tier test format conception test. This research was conducted using a pre-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects consisted of 36 students of class XI MIPA SMA Negeri 2 Lembang, where the research subjects were 32 students who had learned and who still experienced misconceptions. The results showed that the number of students who experienced a change in conception after following the stages of the VCCLab model was 90% (29 people) who experienced misconception remediation and 10% (3 people) still experienced misconceptions. Based on these results, the application of the VCCLab model was able to remediate students' misconceptions regarding the concept of hydrostatic pressure.


Keywords : Laboratory activities, Misconception, VCCLab Model, Remedial teaching


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Copyright (c) 2021 Yunina Surtiana, Andi Suhandi, KL Putri, Wawan Setiawan, Parsaoran Siahaan, Achmad Samsudin

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