Peningkatan kesiapan kerja siswa SMK melalui pengembangan soft skills di SMKN 1 Sambeng Lamongan

Slamet Slamet, Tri Sagirani


Seminar with the topic "Building Soft Skills of Vocational High School Students to Prepare to Enter the World of Work" is needed by grade XII students because these students are preparing themselves to enter the world of work. In addition to hard skills, other skills that play an important role in work success are soft skills. These skills are able to support the absorption of graduates and prepare graduates who are competent according to the needs of the business world and the industrial world. For this reason, the purpose of this training is to train soft skills as provisions for being ready to work. Soft skills training in the form of a talk show was held in the Vocational High School Hall. The materials covered in this activity are the reality of the workplace, missing skills in work, what are soft skills and how to build soft skills. PKM activities or community service are packaged in the form of talk shows carried out offline and implemented from the preparation stage to implementation. Evaluation is made by distributing questionnaires to measure the results and understand the level of participant satisfaction with the training material. The evaluation results of this PKM in (scale 1-5) are that there is an increase in soft skills in communication from an initial value of 2 to 4, teamwork with a value of 3 from an initial value of 1, problem solving with a value of 5 from an initial value of 2 and training leadership with a value of 3 from an initial value of 1. Meanwhile, the response from the participants can be concluded that the participants are very interested and enthusiastic in following the material.


Soft skills; Seminar; Vocational high school; Job preparation

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