HUBUNGAN HASIL PELATIHAN DASAR PEKERJA SOSIAL DENGAN KINERJA PEGAWAI (Studi Deskriptif pada Alumni Diklat Dasar Pekerja Sosial Di Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial Regional II Bandung)
This research is motivated by the efforts in order to improve the employee performance of social workers in BBPPKS Region II Bandung, the organizer of Basic Education and Training of social workers. This training aims to enhance the knowledge of The Public Social Welfare Employee and it will influence the work performance. This research was reviewing the training result and performance of the participant after joining the training. This study has objectives: 1) Describing the result of the basic training of social workers in BBPPKS Region II Bandung. 2) Describing the result of employee performance after joining the training in BBPPKS Region II Bandung. 3) Achieving the clarity and the evidence of the correlation between the result of the basic training and the result of employee performance in BBPPKS Region II Bandung. This study used quantitative approach by choosing the descriptive method. Questionnaire and documentation study are the technics that used in this study for collecting data purpose. This research were done to 30 respondent of the social workers which spread in six provinces from the working region of BBPPKS region II Bandung. It shows that: 1) The result of basic training for the social workers approximately gained the final score in intermediate category in cognitif, affectif, and psicomotor indicator. 2) The employee performance according to the seven aspect, those are quality, discipline, teamwork, communication, skills, services, working motivation is high. 3) the calculation shows there is tendency of correlation between the variables. Observing from the final result after joining the training activities, most of the respondent has increased their attitude knowledge and skills compared before attending The Basic Education and Training of social workers.
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