of architecture. Colonial era architectural style is an architectural
design concept that was applied during the Dutch colonial period.
Inside there are various architectural styles that are quite different
from time to time. This architectural style is divided into 3, namely
Indische Empire, Transitional Colonial Architecture, and Modern
Colonial Architecture. The development of colonial architecture in
Indonesia can be seen from the existence of buildings that adopt
European architectural styles in various big cities on the island of
Java, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Jogja, Semarang, and Surabaya.
Traces of Colonial Architecture in Bandung can be seen from
buildings in conservation areas such as the Braga area, Dago, and
also in the Diponegoro Street area or the Gasibu area of Bandung.
Kota Baru Parahyangan is one of the largest independent cities in
the Greater Bandung area which has a development concept or
historical pillar, namely having a house building design with
colonial architectural style in the "Bandoeng Tempo Doeloe"
corridor area. Based on this development concept, the author aims
to discuss articles on the concept of colonial architecture in the
"Bandoeng Tempo Doeloe" area. In addition, the author also hopes
that the discussion of this article can provide a lesson for the
general public about colonial architecture, especially in the
Bandung area. The results of the discussion of this article conclude
that the buildings in the "Bandoeng Tempo Doeloe" area adapt to
the three colonial architectural styles, most of which refer to
modern colonial architecture.
Full Text:
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