Analysis of Ovarian Cancer Risk Factor : A Systematic Review

Ida Nurhidayah, Restuning Widiasih, Ermiati Ermiati


Ovarian cancer risk factors are health problems that risk women's survival. Health workers and women must recognize the risk factors that can lead to ovarian cancer as early prevention. This systematic review aimed to analyze various risk factors for ovarian cancer. The systematic review used 4 databases, Proquest, Pubmed, Willey, and Ebsco, with the keywords ovarian cancer AND risk factors AND determinant factors OR predisposition factors AND incident OR prevalence. Inclusion criteria include relevant articles according to the topic, type of quantitative research, no year limit specified, and English. The initial number of searches obtained was 3,507 articles. The PRISMA usage flow and JBI tools 15 articles were reviewed. The study's results identified risk factors for ovarian cancer: reproductive factors, lifestyle, family history, benign ovarian tumors, endometriosis, and endometriomas. Reproductive factors are the factors most associated with the occurrence of ovarian cancer. Reproductive factors covered pain during menstruation, menstrual age, delayed menopause, infertility, use of fertility drugs, parous women, childbearing age, miscarriage, induced abortion, not breastfeeding, and intrauterine contraceptives, use of exogenous hormones, and use of hormone supplements.


Risk Factors; Ovarian Cancer; Gynecological Disorders; Woman Health

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