The Effect of Disaster Education on The Ability of Adolescents to Recognize COVID-19 Prevention

Setiyawan Setiyawan, Andri Nugraha


Disaster education to reduce disaster risk in adolescence is essential. An infectious disease that is currently spreading is covid-19. Emerging epidemiological reports of covid-19 in children show that, while they are less likely to become infected and to have the severe disease than adults, children are vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic. This research aimed to find out the effect of disaster education on children's ability to recognize Covid-19 prevention. This research design is quasi-experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design approach. Disaster education intervention Covid-19 covers disaster aspects (prevention, detection, and response phases). The research instrument uses a questionnaire on students' ability to recognize covid-19 prevention. Data analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed p-value of 0.000. There is an effect of providing disaster education on children's ability to recognize covid-19 prevention. The early introduction of disaster or disease outbreaks and their prevention are the concrete means that need to be given to the younger generation to increase the children's knowledge and shape alertness behavior in dealing with the disaster or disease outbreaks.


Disaster education; Covid-19; Knowledge; Adolescent

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