Trends and Research Focus of Green Entrepreneurial Intention (Bibliometric Analysis)

Ashari Gunawan, Amir Machmud, Imas Purnamasari, Susan Susanti


In the current era, Green Entrepreneurship is expected to be able to overcome the problems of environmental pollution and global warming. Developing environmentally friendly entrepreneurship aims to improve the economy and pays attention to sustainable development. This research is a bibliometric analysis using the R Package to determine research trends related to green entrepreneurial intention, with metadata from Scopus for 52 documents. The findings of this research are that the most productive journal data comes from China so that country makes quite a lot of contributions and collaborates with other countries in this research trend. This is proven by the most popular or corresponding author from China, with four articles. Still, the number of citations in the first place is the journal Sustainability from Switzerland. This research shows that research trends related to green entrepreneurial intention have yet to be widely carried out or published in the Scopus database. Research with this theme is expected to be continued by future researchers considering the importance of sustaining Green Entrepreneurship.


Green Entrepreneurial Intention, Bibliometric Analysis, R Package.

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