Encouragement And Dialogue In Developing EFL Students’ Characters: A Case of Indonesian Islamic Schools

Fitri Rizki Amalia, Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Isti Siti Saleha Gandana


This study aims to reveal how teachers incorporate character education in an Islamic private school in Bandung. The study examines two teachers from different levels of education: elementary school and senior high school. This research uses a qualitative method, and its design is a case study. For the framework of analysis, the study draws on Shaaban's character education framework (2005), which comprises seven elements: language, messages, methods, activities, outcomes, resources, and assessment. These elements are divided into three categories based on the roles of the teachers, the students, and the evaluation process. The study reveals that the elementary school teacher primarily uses explanations to encourage students to behave well, while senior high school teacher mostly uses dialogue to improve students' behavior. Furthermore, the activities in senior high school include many messages related to Profil Pelajar Pancasila, which cover different dimensions. Thus, the study aims to highlight the differences in how character education is delivered in the elementary and senior high school and to establish a framework for incorporating character education into EFL classrooms using Shaaban's theory (2005).


character, character education, Emancipated Curriculum


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpp.v24i3.77777


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