HERO is a relatively new (2012), European Model of Human Resources and Organizational Management with its roots on Positive Psychology. Several studies on the Model, which use empirical and heuristic data, have been carried out within the last years. Throughout this practitioner paper, the different footsteps that comprise the Model are analysed, observing scientific data from different articles and researches, about its validity and implementation’s impact. This writing goes through some of those studies, findings and methods, compiling and describing them, accordingly to each step of the methodology, giving a complete overview. The different footsteps that comprise the Model are examined, observing the existing literature, its possible validity and stimulating debate, encouraging further development and research from practitioners. Its prime objective is to promote the integral health of workers, teams, and Organisations, making these agents more effective, resilient and satisfied in the face of the current volatility in the labour market at a national and international level. HERO organisations make systematic, planned, and proactive efforts to improve processes and results for both employees and the Organization, by implementing certain professional practices and a developmental procedure through a tested, human and practical approach. An integrated-analytical review of this recent methodology, being studied in Universities as a Personnel Management System for business, taking into revision prominent published papers and contrasted experimental data.
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