Managerial competence is a skill which includes planning, implementing, organizing and controlling. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of chief managerial competencies in improving the quality of instructor learning, including: Program planning; program implementation; evaluation; the obstacles faced and the follow-up that is done in improving the quality of instructor learning. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The research subjects were the Head of BP2IP, instructor, head of department, KASI Gardik, class monitoring team and cadets at BP2IP Malahayati Aceh. The results of the study found: program planning is well structured and efficient, referring to the curriculum set by the Ministry of Transportation; The program was responded to very well by the instructors and cadets, although it did not fully run well due to obstacles; Evaluation was carried out through a class monitoring team, all information was reported to the head and announced through the WA group of BP2IP staff Malahayati Aceh; The obstacle faced by the head is the lack of instructors, the ratio of instructors to cadets is not comparable, causing other problems such as the number of instructors who hold concurrent positions, the lack of assistant instructor implementing and follow-up that is done using Class meeting programs to accommodate all problems with the learning process. It is hoped that the transportation ministry will immediately meet the instructor's needs, because it is very influential on the learning process in the class so that the quality of learning can run effectively.
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