The research is motivated by the importance of hope in the students' development. Hope is positive encouragement for the capacity of the self to achieve goals based on a sense of success in strategies and self-motivation development, which are then formulated into aspects, such as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The research aims to produce a personal guidance program based on the hope profile of high school students according to experts and practitioners. The main problems in this study are: 1) What is the hope profile of grade XI students 1 Margahayu Senior High School students; 2) What is a personal guidance program based on the hope profile of high school students at Margahayu 1 High School according to experts and practitioners. The study used a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The study was done on 11th-grade students of 1 Margahayu Senior High School in 2018/2019 Academic Year consisting of 205 students using convenience sampling techniques. Data processing used the Rasch model on the Winstep application. The results showed that students' hope was in the medium category, as well as in every aspect and indicator. The guidance services strategy used in research are classical guidance and group guidance developed based on the needs of students in each indicator.
Keyword: Hope, Personal Guidance Program.
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