Choosing the correct learning methods is the key for success in teaching-learning process. One of the methods is by using picture cards and PBL (Problem-Based Learning) method, where students are encouraged to identify a problem, find the causes of the problem and provide solutions to the problem. A research was conducted at 5 (five) elementary schools in Malang, Indonesia, with the total respondents of 200 students. The teachers explained to the students on issues related to waste and rivers, using a particular text book. In groups, students were given picture cards and they had to arrange the cards to create a story. The students had to write down the story afterwards. The obtained data were then processed by text mining and the result classifies students into two different groups, ie. Group A which were able to create a story in details, using many words related to environment, and Group B which were not able to create a story in details. An analysis was then performed on the group which were not able to create a detailed story.
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Environmental Education, Solid Waste Education, Environmental behavior.
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