The Development of MELANI (Medicinal Plant Identifier) Mobile Intelligent Decision Support System is a study on the design and development of an application for learning medicinal plants. Generally the purpose of this research is to knowing the design and development of MELANI (Medicinal Plant Identifier) Mobile Intelligent Decision Support System application, and also to get review from experts and response from it’s users. Design and development method was used as the research methods together with the use of research design based on a knowledge base that is in line with existing problems as well as the use of creative methods in solving these problems,, in which focused on product design and development in the form of MIDSS applications, followed by a series of assessments, trials, and revisions to the product. Technique that was used for data gathering were interview, questionnaire, and observation while data reduction, data display, and conclusion was used as data analysis technique. This research resulted in the development of MELANI (Medicinal Plant Identifier) Mobile Intelligent Decision Support System in the form of Android application with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in helping it’s users identifying and learning medicinal plants in the field.
Keywords: Design and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Intelligent Decision Support System, Medicinal Plant Learning.
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