Supervision has a fundamental role and becomes an essential component and an integral part in the provision of guidance and counseling services in schools. This research aims to illustrate the implementation of supervision and counseling at secondary school. The research uses mixed methods which are a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. Subjects were taken using a purposive sample, including guidance and counseling teacher in Middle School and senior high school teachers (SMP / SMA / SMK) and equivalent in the city of Bandung who were selected based on work experience that was considered sufficient. The research data collection tool uses the “Instrumen Kebutuhan Supervisi Komprehensif” (IKSK). The results of the study illustrate the implementation of supervision assessed both in aspects of assessment competence, program development and implementation of guidance and counseling services (GC). While the competency aspects of the guidance and counseling program's evaluation and self-development and professionalism as counselors.
Keyword: Supervision, Guidance and Counseling, Management.
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