Mohamad Najib, aan Komariah, Asep Suryana


The 21st century is a globall economic era that demands open competition. Therefore, in order to survive in the 21st century, the younger generation is required to have core skills that can overcome severe challenges. At the same time, individuals and organizations associated with educational institutions need to improve competencies both individually and organically. This paper will analyse how the core skills of leadership implemented in SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Bandung. The research method used is descriptive research methodolearning organizationgy with qualitative approach. The discussion is done by triangulation of data from interview, documentation, and observation. This research found some thing that is, the need of develearning organizationpment of learning organization to support the core skill of student leadership in school. Learning organization is a hallmark of 21st century organization, consisting of 4 core components namely; (1) Organization, (2) Individual, (3) Knowledge, (4) Technolearning organizationgy. The four components described in several sub-systems are clearning organizationsely related to the key to the implementation of 21st century core education skills in schools. Both are strongly influenced by organizational leaders' understanding of the process in detail in enhancing the effectiveness of individual teacher roles and groups within the organization. The organizational ability to survive is largely determined by the desire of individuals in change, it is strongly influenced by leaders who have far-sighted visions, who become agents of change, and are aware of the evolving state of the environment.


agent of change, leadership core skill, learning organization


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