Mayya Mayya, Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, Danny Meirawan


The policy of inclusive education is made by the government to fulfill the rights of every children to get an education as mandated by the UUD 1945. However, since its implementation in 2009, this policy still faces obstacles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of implementing inclusion policies in elementary schools. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The study was conducted at SDN 138 Gegerkalong Girang, Bandung. Information and data are collected through interviews, observation, and document studies. The results showed that the school had carried out inclusive education quite well. However, there are still weaknesses in their implementation, namely: 1) inconsistency of information to parents: 2) lack of quantity and quality of GPK, facilities, and lack of information of evaluating the inclusion; and 3) inclusive education SOPs has not yet been developed. To improve the effectiveness of inclusion implementation the government must provide clarity of GPK status, improve the performance of the support system, and allocate a special budget. Schools must improve the consistency of socialization to parents, develop an evaluation system, and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the implementing of inclusion.


Education policy, Inclusive education, Policy implementation


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