Implementing Peace Education Concepts in Early Childhood Curriculum: A Tool for Addressing Violence and Promoting Sustainable Development

Oludola Sarah Sopekan


The provision of quality early childcare is essential for all children in Nigeria, and the government has put a lot of things in place to ensure that this goal is achieved. One such effort is the production of the Preschool curriculum. Nigeria has experienced diverse kinds of violence in recent times which is not just affecting the nation but the children adversely. There is a need to find a way of curbing this menace. Inculcating skills that promote holistic child development is a great tool for achieving peace and sustainable development. But the question is does the Early Childhood Curriculum for Age 0-5 years contain peace values/concepts? Are the peace concepts in it adequate for inculcating peaceful skills in preschoolers? Is this curriculum being effectively used in teaching and organizing learning activities for preschoolers? Content analysis of the curriculum document and mixed research design was adopted. Through purposive sampling, a sample of 110 preschool teachers was used for the study. It was found that there were many peace values and concepts in the curriculum that were adequate for inculcating peace skills in preschoolers. Most preschool teachers do not know anything about the curriculum document. They did not use the curriculum document in organizing learning activities for their pupils. The study recommends that intensive awareness should be created by the government, organizations, and concerned individuals on the need for preschools in Nigeria to use the Early Childhood Curriculum for the age under discussion and government should organize regular training for their teachers to train them on the effective use of preschool curriculum among other.


Early childhood education; Peace education; Sustainable development; Violence

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